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Services de conduite


Unfortunately, NeighbourLink no longer has volunteer drivers for medical appointments. To access a ride to a medical appointment, we invite you to sign up with iRide Plus through Circle of Care and the North York Seniors Centre

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Service: Transportation

Inquiry Phone: 1 (844) 474-3301


Description: iRIDEplus is for:


-Frail seniors and adults with age related conditions

-Adults with physical or cognitive disabilities

-Clients requiring assistance when travelling

-Clients for whom it physically prohibitive to use public transit


Service may not be provided to individuals who:


-Require lifting and/or weight bearing assistance

-Are unable to enter and exit vehicles independently, unless they have a personal escort accompanying to assist them

-Present with a behaviour that may put others/himself/herself at risk

-Are under the age of 18


*We reserve the right to use discretion in any and all rides with respect to issues of client and staff safety.


Hours: Monday-Friday 6:30am-5:30pm; Saturday from 9am-5pm. Call iRide for Sunday hours. Rides are subject to availability.


How to request a ride and costs:


Online requests must be made at least 72 hours (3 days) prior to the requested trip. Please be aware that filling out this form does not guarantee that your trip will be approved - iRIDE staff will contact you with trip confirmation.

Please note that this form is monitored Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

© 2021 par NeighbourLink North York

NeighbourLink North York

Courriel :

Téléphone : 416-221-8283

Adresse : 89, avenue du Centre,

North York, ON M2M 2L7

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