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Over 40,000 people joined us for the first ever Taste of North York! This three day cultural festival celebrated everything that makes North York such a special place to live! There was delicious food, live entertainment and representation from dozens of local organizations! 



The goal of the event was to meet neighbours and celebrate all North York has to offer! 


The Meet & Eat located at the Reflection Pond at Mel Lastman Square included: 

  • A patio to enjoy food and meet neighbours all weekend long! Let's pack it at 2pm, 6pm and 9pm! 

  • A Community Fair of 20 local charities, non-profits, clubs and elected officials on September 9th from 12-9pm


Learn about all the organizations present below.




There was a massive open-air street food market with hundreds of menu items from a variety of different cuisines. Get to know you neighbours by sharing a delicious meal together! 


Street Eats events have been featured on BlogTO, Narcity, Toronto Life, Global TV and CBC News.  We're bringing cuisines from all over North York for you enjoy with FREE Admission.

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We worked with incredible partners to bring exciting performances to the square. 


The mainstage had performances from an assortment of fantastic bands and cultural groups including Iranian, Korean and Chinese dancers and musicians.


Toronto Dance Salsa and Star Dance Centre got us on our feet with dance workshops on Friday & Saturday respectively. 


On Saturday there was a stage on Yonge St with performances from TU Jazz Fest musicians.

Live music, dance, art
Over 500+ menu items to choose from.
Meet neighbours and 20+ local organizations
Family Friendly Activities, Trivia, Caricatures and more!
Anchor 1
SEP 8 / 6-11PM
SEP 9 / 12-11PM
SEP 10 /


(5100 YONGE ST)

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On September 9th from 12-9pm neighbours met representatives from 20+ organizations that make North York such a special place to live including Charities, Non-Profits, Neighbourhood Associations, Clubs and more! You'll find them around the patio in the reflection pond!

We shared a meal together on the patio at 2pm, 6pm and 9pm! 
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Nankind, provides a suite of in-home and virtual programs and services across the Greater Toronto, Barrie, Hamilton, and Kingston areas that helps families and children navigate a parent's cancer journey including diagnosis, treatment, recovery, palliative care, and bereavement.
 North York Seniors Centre strives to enable the aging population to remain vital, healthy, and connected to their community while enhancing the lives of all seniors who need assistance to live safely and independently in their own homes.
North York Seniors Centre
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Homes First is a Toronto-based housing and shelter provider working to serve some of the city's most vulnerable populations. They are working towards closing gaps and helping residents maintain their housing by providing a program that delivers high support and allows individuals to age in place. 
Homes First Society
NeighbourLink North York is a community development organization. Their mission is to engage and empower neighbours to care for each other in practical, relational, and sustainable ways that give everyone the opportunity to live out their potential.
North York
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The Neighbourhood Group helps newcomers with their transition to life in Canada through multiple streams of settlement support. Works with people at every stage of their lives to alleviate social and economic problems through various effective and innovative programs.
The Neighbourhood Group
Willowdale Community Legal Services is a community legal clinic funded by Legal Aid Ontario to give free legal advice and representation to low-income people living in North York. They offer free, confidential legal assistance from lawyers and licensed paralegals.
Willowdale Community Legal Services
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 YMCA of Greater Toronto
The YMCA of Greater Toronto is a charity that ignites the potential in people, helping them grow, lead, and give back to their communities. There are hundreds of programs and services at over 440 locations. 
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North York Arts
North York Arts is a non-profit, charitable organization created to uplift and expand the arts in North York by investing in artists, inspiring community members, and collaborating with partners and businesses. At Taste of North York, live artists Ashley Beerdat, Camila aka Comilart, Serene Chan, and Youngdo Kang will create stunning visual art around the themes of North York, community, and connection.
Korean Canadian Cultural Association
The Korean Canadian Cultural Association ("KCCA") is the largest organization of its kind in Canada, and it directly serves the 120,000 Koreans living in the Greater Toronto Area. KCCA is a community-based, not-for-profit charitable organization. KCCA has played a critical role in promoting an understanding and appreciation of Korean culture and heritage to Canadians of all backgrounds.
Heritage Toronto builds a better city by bringing people together to explore Toronto’s shared past and peoples’ lived experiences.
Through their programs, including tours, and plaques, the Heritage Toronto Awards, and digital stories and exhibits, they engage the public to reflect on the past, make sense of our present, and inform our future.
Heritage Toronto
Gibson House is a 19th-century farmhouse hidden between the high rises of North York. Step across the threshold and back in time to the 1850s kitchen. Feel welcomed by the warm aroma of wood smoke and beeswax. Gibson House offers visitors an opportunity to taste, smell and touch history in a way that few other museums can.
North York Historical Society
The North York Historical Society discovers, disseminates, and preserves historical information, protects heritage sites, and arouses interest in the unique past of North York (part of the City of Toronto). 
Toronto Public Library is the world's busiest urban public library system, with more than 46 million annual visits to our branches and online. There are over 100 branches across the city, over 10 million books, and more.
Toronto Public Library
T.U. Jazz Fest
T.U. Jazz Fest is a nonprofit organization creating hundreds of opportunities for Canadian emerging artists to learn, network, and showcase since 2015. It is aa platform for music dreamers to learn music without any concerns: provide mentoring from TUJF artists along with the necessary instruments supplied throughout the year.
North York Garden Club
North York Garden Club has been in North York since 1924. The club meets on the 4th Monday of the month from February until November at 7:30 PM. They promote the love of gardening to our members and the public through meetings, guest speakers, flower shows, plant sales, and community outreach activities.
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Willowdale School of Music gives kids the tools and skills to change the world through enjoyable, educational and engaging music lessons and camps. Music lessons at WSM teach children discipline, resiliency, empathy, responsibility, creativity, confidence, and musical skills.
Willowdale School of Music
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The Yonge North York BIA, formed in 2021, serves approximately 1,600+ member businesses and commercial properties. Street-level restaurants, shops, office buildings, and shopping centers house a variety of businesses and service providers. The BIA’s main pillars of focus for project development and improvements are the public realm, marketing, and local economic development.
Yonge North York BIA
Yonge Corridor Condominium Association
YCCA serves condo boards of directors along the Yonge Corridor north of the 401 by providing networking workshops and opportunities. It also advocates to various levels of government regarding areas of concern for condominium residents in the area.
The WCRA is a community run, not-for-profit group that is dedicated to enhancing the Willowdale area by supporting and hosting events that bring community members together.
Willowdale Central
Rate Payers
West Willowdale Neighbourhood Association
WNA is a group of homeowners and residents in the West Willowdale Neighbourhood. We are a not-for-profit neighborhood association established in 2015 to advance the needs of our corner of Willowdale. Those needs include community safety, neighbourhood improvements, appropriate development—and fun events.
Lily Cheng, City Councillor for Willowdale
The councillor's office aims to support the constituents of Willowdale Ward 18 through advocacy for city services to improve and enrich the neighbourhood, and by fostering community connection to empower the voices for democracy.
Stan Cho, MPP for Willowdale
Stan Cho, MPP for Willowdale is a second-generation Korean-Canadian  who is proud to call Willowdale home.
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Ali Ehsassi, Member of Parliament for Willowdale is committed to ensuring the concerns of Willowdale residents are heard and advocated for.
Ali Ehsassi, MP for Willowdale
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© 2021 par NeighbourLink North York

NeighbourLink North York

Courriel :

Téléphone : 416-221-8283

Adresse : 89, avenue du Centre,

North York, ON M2M 2L7

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